Thursday, January 19, 2012

11 most astonishing Dragon Artworks.

I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination. -Cornelia Funke
Dragons always been a part of our stories, art and literature. In my childhood , the fantasy dragon created in my mind, in my heart is far beyond any other creature. The thrill, the excitement, the amazement dragon stories and folklore produce even today is undeniable. It used to make me visualize those creatures in my mind. Now With the change of time the ways of expression of thoughts and ideas changed too. Artists of today are now trying to relive their fantasy through their art, they are trying to blow life in those myths and stories through their art. And that's what this article going to show you today.

Steampunk Dragon by *kerembeyit : This artist pushed his imaginations to a fairly different dimensions . Awesome Dragon art on SteamPunk Theme.

Dragon by ~o-eternal-o : Beauty of this dragon in unbelievable. I never imagined that a dragon could be of white color too. All that come to our mind when we think about dragon is dark colored huge beast. But this artist have changed the rules here.

Dragon by *GENZOMAN: Yes usually dragons blow fire through their mouth but this one is different...

Dragon head by ~eic : Beautiful dragon face artwork. Just astonishing.

Roost by ~eic: Beautiful green dragon. Resting on cliff.

Dragon Rider by ~eronzki999: When beauty meets with beast, the combination is always awesome.

dragon by *oustins: No you can not bind a beast with chains. Their rage is dangerous.

Dragon Crash by *Hamsterfly: This artwork is different but astonishing. A cartoonic representation on dragon.

Water dragon by *Ironshod: Cute baby water dragon in hands of a beauty.

Battle Dragon by *kerembeyit: An awesome representation of warrior dragon, covered with armor all around ready for battle.

First Lesson by *kerembeyit: In the place far far away a mama dragon teaching the baby dragon her first lesson of life: How to Fly?