Monday, January 2, 2012

Easiest way to create realistic water drops in Gimp.

I can't believe that this technique was lying just under my nose and I was ignoring it for so long. Actually last night when I was trying to find out some new technique for my new tutorial I accidentally came across this plugin of Gimp Fx-Foundry which is basically related to Logo making but can be used some other places also as I know now. Name of this plugin is Liquid-Water Effect which falls under the Alpha to Logo category of Gimp Fx-Foundry. I won't talk too much about the history of this effect as believe on action that words but you can still check it out HERE. and download it from HERE.

So I think we should start with the tutorial, but first take look on the result we are about to achieve today...

Appealing right... Well then what are you waiting for guys Just Do It.

Obviously Out Good old Gimp.
And Better If you get whole Fx-Foundry plugins installed but if you want than you can only install this plugin only from HERE.

Step 1: Open up you Gimp and pick up a size for you canvas according to your preferences and requirements. I chose 400x640px transparent canvas.

Step 2: Now go to Fx-Foundry>>Alpha to Logo>>Liquid Water and select it. This action will open a setting windows for Liquid Water Effect 

Don't touch anything here just click OK and wait for something like below :

Step 3: Now in layer window click on the icon that looks like an eye in front of Mosaic and Highlight_Up layers, this will make those particular layer invisible.

Step 4: Now it's time to make these drops to look more realistic and sparkling. So lets do it. Select the Highlight_down Layer. Go to Filters>>Light and Shadow>>Lighting Effects. 

This will open a settings window for this plugin. Increase the Distance to Maximum.

In this settings window select the Light Tab and In Type chose Directional.Also place the blue point in the preview window in the center as shown in the figure.

And then press OK. We did the last step to  provide a symmetric lighting to the drops. Result of above action is as shown in the figure below:

Step 5: Now last step for some tweaking. First select the Highlight_down layer and set it's transparency low or high according to your preference of brightness. I'm setting it to 70%.

 NOw Select the Blue background-color layer and go to Colors>> Colorize and set the slider for Lightness on 45.

Now according to your preference of colors slide the Hue Slider and set it on your color and press OK.
That's it now just save the image. And with your selected color and other preferences you will get something like this as result...

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