Monday, January 30, 2012

15 most awesome anime/manga drawings.

I'm a huge fan of Anime and Manga. And today I want to share my love with you people too. Following are some really amazing and beautiful Anime manga drawings that I found on worlds largest online art community So enjoy and share my love with your friends too.

CAT2 cover by *cellar-fcp:

Friday, January 27, 2012

10 most beautiful objective Macro photographs.

According to wikipedia:
"Macrophotography is close-up photography, usually of very small subjects. Classically a macro-photograph is one in which the size of the subject on the negative is greater than life size. However in modern use it refers to a finished photograph of a subject at greater than life size."
According to me this is the most beautiful way of photography i've ever experienced. The artistic approach in this style of photography touches the max level. It present in front of us the details of the object captured in such a higher details that makes our jaws dropped to earth. Now without boring you anymore with my talks I present on your computer screens some of the best objective macro photographs ever taken.

wermadeofCARBON by =roseonthegrey

Monday, January 23, 2012

Infolinks & Linkbucks : Online money without ruining your blog.

Now a days there is a vast majority of sites and services that provide you money for keeping their ads in your blog or website. One most famous example is Google's Adsence service. With this service you can put Text based, Banners, Flyer, and other custom ads on your website or blog. But one most disturbing drawback of such ads is that they ruin the beauty of your blog totally. No matter how wisely you adjust them according to your website's environment they will keep messing with the design and theme of your blog or website. People who are more conscious about their site's look find it really hard to adjust with such ads. But internet as usual is full of opportunities and support. There are some sites that provide  a quite different type of ad based online money service. These sites utilizes the in-link text ads technique.

This technique actually create links of the ads and place them in your blog or website's actual text in such a way that it mingles with the basic layout. So whenever a user clicks on any of such links you get paid without ruining the look of your site.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

11 most astonishing Dragon Artworks.

I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination. -Cornelia Funke
Dragons always been a part of our stories, art and literature. In my childhood , the fantasy dragon created in my mind, in my heart is far beyond any other creature. The thrill, the excitement, the amazement dragon stories and folklore produce even today is undeniable. It used to make me visualize those creatures in my mind. Now With the change of time the ways of expression of thoughts and ideas changed too. Artists of today are now trying to relive their fantasy through their art, they are trying to blow life in those myths and stories through their art. And that's what this article going to show you today.

Steampunk Dragon by *kerembeyit : This artist pushed his imaginations to a fairly different dimensions . Awesome Dragon art on SteamPunk Theme.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learn the Easiest way of Eye colorization with Gimp.

Well eye colorization is a well discussed and well known technique in photo-manipulation and photo- retouching. One can make his artwork or manipulation a way more fantastic and catching with this method. Out of a huge number of tutorials available for eye-colorization some are for beginners some are for pros, but the technique I'm going to explain in this tutorial  is suitable for all ranges of readers and very easy to follow too. So let's get started with out tutorial.
First a look on the results we are going to achieve through this method:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

10 Most awesome Tech Brushes for Gimp and Photoshop.

Want to create a futuristic movie poster or a sci-fi movie scene. Well than you'll need some cool sci-fi and tech brushes to accomplish this task. Today I'm going to enlist some of the best tech and sci-fi brushes available. So explore the list below to acquire the brush of your choice.

Z-Design Tech Brushes Set-5: These brushes are so awesome. According to one critic review " This tech / interface brush set is what I would call the best tech brush set on the entire internet. The set brings forth both inspiration and endless tech/sci-fi uses.". Download

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Create awesome typography portrait in just 5 steps with Gimp.

Now a days there's a boom in artistic, sophisticated and outstanding portraits and profile pictures. Every one is showing of his artistic talent in their portraits. But as a beginner it is kind of hard task to create and establish your own style so early. But this does not mean that you can not stand shoulder by shoulder with those people. Actually with a little inspiration+imagination you can create something heavy to ignore even  by the great artists. But to do this first you need to get your basics rock solid so that you can have a firm base when you move further. So in today's tutorial I'm going to introduce you with a very basic but important technique to create typographic portrait or other artworks. You can learn more about typography HERE.

So let's get started with this tutorial but first a look at the result that we are going to achieve with this process.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Easiest way to create Instant Sketch with Gimp.

Even though there's a load of ways to create sketches in Gimp but the plugin that i'm going to discuss with you is special cause it not just provide you with the most realistic result but it is easiest to use too.
This plugin is provided by Fx-foundry plugin set which you can download with the help of This Tutorial.
Now let's check out this plugin...

Gimp 2.6 or better with Fx-Foundry installed. Check out THIS tutorial to learn the method to install the Fx-Foundry and other plugins in Gimp.
An image you want to convert to sketch.

Step 1: Load your image in Gimp.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Create realistic stickers out of any cutout images with Gimp.

Last night when I was shorting out my childhood memory box I found a bag of our(me and my younger brother) collection of anime stickers, tattoos, trump cards, and other stuff. From there I got this idea for creating a tutorial on Stickers. I don't know whether you will be able to stick them on your Fridge or Room wall but for your desktop, blog or website they can be a beautiful eye-candy. As it is a beginner level tutorial you don't need to have a great knowledge of Gimp functionality just basic computer handling knowledge and you are good to go. For learning there's a lot of things like Path Selection, Stroke Path, Grow Selection,   So let's get started with our tutorial....

Some Examples of the results we can achieve...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Easiest way to create realistic water drops in Gimp.

I can't believe that this technique was lying just under my nose and I was ignoring it for so long. Actually last night when I was trying to find out some new technique for my new tutorial I accidentally came across this plugin of Gimp Fx-Foundry which is basically related to Logo making but can be used some other places also as I know now. Name of this plugin is Liquid-Water Effect which falls under the Alpha to Logo category of Gimp Fx-Foundry. I won't talk too much about the history of this effect as believe on action that words but you can still check it out HERE. and download it from HERE.

So I think we should start with the tutorial, but first take look on the result we are about to achieve today...